
Entrepreneurship Science Art

Why Entrepreneurship is an Art and not a Science

Some people visualize things the way they are and ask why. While there are some others, who dream things that never existed and ask...
Entrepreneur Stress

What is Entrepreneur Stress – Factors, Sources, and Effects

A project deadline is close approaching. Your team is short staffed due to attrition. The organization may lose a well-earned reputation, worse yet the...
work passion

Is Having a Passion Enough to Start Your Own Business?

What are the things you need In Addition to Passion to Effectively Start a business? A famous piece of advice we hear from potential entrepreneurs...
hire team

What Should Your Next Steps Be After Coming Up with a...

It's finally happened: you have your new business idea. Whether after a long thought process or owing to a sudden epiphany, it's here. You're...
entrepreneur women

Top Reasons Why People Start Their Own Businesses

To many people, the idea of starting their own business can be scary, and it is often a risk that few are willing to...
business women

Woman and Business Do Gel

Women in business have excelled in their ventures and have successfully contributed well in the economic growth of the country. They have the acumen...

What is the Definition of Venture Capital

Venture capital can be defined as the investment made available in a budding company that shows potential for growth and generating profits. However, the...

History Of Entrepreneurship and Gurus

'One who undertakes an endeavor' is the meaning of the French word entrepreneur. It is really all about starting something and making it prosper...

Lessons From Entrepreneurs Of The 19th Century

Colonial traders are named as the most zealous entrepreneurs of all times. They were able to capture their places and establish their own innovations...

Risks Factors of an Entrepreneur

All forms of business pose a form or other of risk. Some say that people will only make profits when there has been an...

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